Dining in Toronto

Dining in Toronto
I, Mili Jain, am not a critic, foodie, restaurant owner, aspiring chef, promoter or dining connoisseur. I am simply a girl who knows what she likes and what she doesn't, especially when it comes to the social side of life!

I challenged myself (and some unsuspecting friends) to discover our city! To eat at those restaurants we drive by 100 times and never go into. To venture to areas we’ve never discovered and just step out of our own comfort zone. For whatever reason you find yourself here, whether I forced you to follow me or you stumbled upon this page, I hope you will find something that will help create your own adventure and inspire you to try something new.

I challenged myself to try everything ONCE, and to make THE CITY MINE!

And so a non-blogger continues to blog...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cheers to 2011!

It’s been a long time since my last blog entry and I wish I had a better reason for being missing in action but unfortunately it seems as though I had fallen into my own trap.  The trap that first inspired me to take this adventure.  The ever familiar trap of comfortable repetitiveness.  The same restaurants, the same nightlife – week after week it was as if someone had pressed the repeat button on my social life.  Clearly these places are wonderful in their own ways otherwise the frequent visits wouldn’t be happening.  That being said, it’s a new year and new decade which means it’s time to reboot and refresh!

It’s an interesting time of year because you can’t help but feel a sense of hope and optimism come over everyone for the year ahead.  I’ve never been huge on making new year’s resolutions because undeniably they all fall under the rug within the first few weeks of the year. This past year however I witnessed first-hand the power of positive energy and putting your hopes and desires out into the world and watching them come to life.  I started off the year saying that this would be the year that I would make some big life changes.  Low and behold within the first 6 months I had an open heart, a new job and the prospect of a new home.  Now sitting in my humble little condo gazing at the view from the 21st floor I’ve had some major milestones realized this year.  For the first time in a long time I am not chasing after something or looking to drastically change any one particular area of my life.  Although one specific area could DEFINITELY use some tender lovin’ care ;)

And so I start 2011 overjoyed and extremely optimistic because I have nothing acquire or run after.  I have only to revel in the next 360 something days and watch them unfold in front of me with what I hope to be wonderful, exciting and momentous adventures.

A mini peak into my new year’s resolutions:
1.  Breakfast – they don’t call it the most important meal of the day for nothing
2.  Be Active – 3-4 days a week – not unrealistic and totally doable.  The gym is 5 freakin seconds away. Indoor.
3.  Scale Back – after a holiday season spent buying gifts for underprivileged families, donating blood and collecting non perishables for the food drive I really don’t need another black pencil skirt
4.  Don’t make those a priority who only make you an option – ‘nuff said
5.  If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all – our mothers were so damn wise

I hope this year brings you everything that you hope for and that our paths can cross one day for an adventure!
Till next time! (very soon I promise!)


  1. Very inspiring and just what I needed to hear :)

  2. Mili! I agree with all of those resolutions...especially number 5. That's what I'm all about this year :). You always know what to say and how to say it <3
